Robert Kojo Amissah
MSc Geology, Thesis-basedImpacts of metamorphism and deformation on the Proterozoic Haile Epithermal Deposit in South Carolina, US | Email
Robert holds a BSc in Geological Engineering from the University of Mines and Technology, Ghana. He is pursuing his MSc in Geology with a research focus on the impacts of metamorphism and deformation on the Proterozoic Haile Epithermal Deposit in South Carolina, US.
Robert has a wide interest in precious metal deposits, including their formation processes, the best methods of exploring these resources, and, ultimately, efficient/sustainable practices in their exploitation. External funding sources: Pretivm Resources & NSERC.
- Ronald E. Seavoy SEG Student Foundation Field Trip; Volcanic-Hosted Epithermal Precious Metal Deposits of the Walker Lane Trend, SW Nevada, 2023
- 2nd Place, MSc Level, Vale Poster Session, Central Canada Mineral Exploration Convention 2023
Upcoming Events
31 Jan 2025Pegmatite Workshop
Time: 08:30am - 05:30pm
2 Mar 2025PDAC 2025
Sunday, March 2nd
Time: -