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Harold L. Gibson

Professor Emeritus of Volcanology and Ore Deposits

Telephone: 705-675-1151 ext 2371; Email: HGibson@laurentian.ca

Harold and his students have undertaken research projects across Canada, globally, and on the modern seafloor. Harold joined Laurentian University in 1990, after leaving a successful 12-year career in the mining exploration industry.  

He is a P.Geo. registered with the Saskatchewan Professional Engineers and Geoscientists.



B.Sc. (Queen’s), M.Sc., PhD (Carleton)



GEOL 4026 - Field Geology III
GEOL 5326 - Mineral Exploration in Volcanic Terrains

The long-term objective of Harold's research is to determine and understand the interrelationships between magmatism, volcanism, tectonics, and the paleohydrology and timing of volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) ore systems during the construction and evolution of submarine volcanoes through time.

His research projects are field based and focus on volcanic processes and environments of volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) and epithermal precious metal ore systems and include: eruption processes and their deposits with an emphasis on submarine volcanism, volcanic subsidence structures, volcanic and magmatic processes in ore location, rhyolite petrogenesis, and hydrothermal alteration.

Current research areas include the Paleoproterozoic Flin Flon and Snow Lake VMS districts, Northern Manitoba and Saskatchewan, the Archean Noranda VMS District and Abitibi Greenstone Belt of Ontario and Quebec, VMS and epithermal precious metal deposits in the Guerrero terrane and Mexican Silver Belt, and VMS deposits of the Lau Basin, Tonga/Aeolian arcs, and Indian Mid-Ocean Ridge on the modern seafloor.


Areas Of Expertise

Economic Geology, Volcanology, Precambrian Geology


Research Themes

Ore Deposits and Mineral Exploration


Available Research Projects

As of May 2021, Harold has no MSc or PhD research projects available.

Current PhD Students

Thomas Gemmell

The base metal metallogeny of the Swayze greenstone belt

Paulina Nordfeldt

The geological setting and origin of Au-Te mineralization at the Paleoproterozoic Åkulla deposit, Skellefte District, Sweden. Laurentian University – Stockholm University Cotutelle, Co-supervisors Iain Pitcairn (Stockholm), Rodney Allen (Boliden, Lulea University)

Marina Schofield

Syn-volcanic and orogenic metal endowment of the Noranda camp, Québec

Keaton Strongman

Base and precious metal metallogeny of the Onaman-Tashota greenstone


Current MSc Students

Julian Melo-Gomez

The geochemistry of gold, an analysis of Ontario gold deposits


Past PhD Students

Margaret Engelbert

The volcanic and deformation history, geodynamic setting and metallogenesis of the Paleoproterozoic Upper Chisel Sequence, Snow Lake Manitoba. Co-supervisor, with Bruno Lafrance.

Kate Rubingh

Structural controls on gold mineralization at the Paleoproterozoic Snow Lake Mine, Snow Lake, Manitoba. Co-supervisor, with Bruno Lafrance.


Past MSc Students

Jonathan Sutton

Volcanic Stratigraphy and Hydrothermal Alteration of the ca. 2701 Ma Duprat-Montrbray Formation: Implications for Targeting New Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide (VMS) Deposits Formed During the Lower Blake River Episode, Rouyn-Noranda, Québec

Sean Brace

Syenite-associated gold mineralization along the Lincoln-Nippissing Shear which is south of the Larder Lake-Cadillac Deformation Zone

Adrian Rehm

Detailed geological mapping of the contact zone between metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks in the Pontiac Subprovince, Lac Bellecombe area, Québec

Marshall Hall

Emplacement mechanisms and spatial and temporal relationships between low sulfide and sharp walled vein systems in Footwall Cu-Ni-PGE deposit at the Broken Hammer deposit, Sudbury, Co-supervisor, Bruno Lafrance

Vanessa Friesen

Origin, emplacement and metallogenic significance of the Paleoproterozic Powderhouse dacite, Snow Lake, Manitoba. Co-supervisor: Dr. Michelle DeWolfe (Mount Royal University)

Keaton Strongman

Volcanic, Structural, and Hydrothermal Controls on Coincident Archean Low and High Sulfidation VMS Systems within the Onaman Assemblage, OnamanTashota Greenstone Belt, Northern Ontario, Canada

Judy Lam

Metamorphism and metal mobility at the Paleoproterozoic Lalor VMS deposit, Snow lake, Manitoba. Co-supervisor, Doug Tinkham

Luis Arteaga

Temporal and spatial relationship between gold mineralization and intrusive rocks in the Boston Creek area, Abitibi greenstone belt, ON, Canada" with Dan Kontak, and Pedro Jugo

Jill Maxwell (Applied MSc Mineral Exploration)

Characterization of the intrusive history and Pd mineralization at the Creek Zone. Lac des Iles complex, ON


Research Excellence Award, Laurentian University

Plenary Lecturer, GAC/MAC Annual Meeting, Winnipeg, 2013

Duncan Ramsay Derry Medal, Mineral Deposits Division, Geological Association of Canada

Julian Boldy Award, Mineral Deposits Division, Geological Association of Canada; shared with Michelle DeWolfe (MSc, PhD), Dave Richardson (MSc), and John Ayer

Barlow Medal, Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy; shared with Don Rousell, and I. Jonasson,

Julian Boldy Award, Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy; shared with Jim Davies and Robert Whitehead

William Harvey Gross Medal, Mineral Deposits Division, Geological Association of Canada

Lang Lecturer, Geological Survey of Canada Mineral Colloquium


Journal Publications and Monographs

Rubingh, K,E., Lafrance, B., and Gibson, H.L., 2020, A reinterpretation of the Snow Lake gold camp, Trans-Hudson Orogen: The use of cleavages as markers to correlate structures across deformed terranes. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences.

Hall, M., Lafrance, B., and Gibson, H.L., 2020, Emplacement of sharp- walled sulfide veins during the formation and reactivation of impact-related structures at the Broken Hammer Mine, Sudbury, Ontario. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences.

Friesen,V., DeWolfe, Y.M., and Gibson, H.L., 2020, Volcanic Reconstruction of the Powderhouse Formation in the Paleoproterozoic VMS-hosting Chisel Sequence, Snow Lake, Manitoba, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences.

DeWolfe, Y.M., Gibson, H.L., Austin-Fafard, S., 2020. Volcanic reconstruction od the Paleoproterozoic Stroud Breccia: Understanding the transition from a primitive to mature arc and impact on VMS ore-formation, Snow Lake, Manitoba, Canada. Precambrian Research, vol. 344, p. 1-18.

DeWolfe. Y.M., Gibson, H.L., and Richardson, D., 2018. 3-D reconstruction of volcanic and ore-forming enviornments of a giant VMS system: A case study from the Kidd Creek Mine, Canada, Ore Geology Reviews, vol.101, p.532-555.
Stewart, M., Lafrance, B., and Gibson, H.L., 2018. Early thrusting and folding in the Snow Lake camp, Manitoba: Tectonic implications and effects on volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol.55, p. 935-957.

Rubingh, K, Gibson, H.L., and Lafrance, B. 2017. Evidence for voluminous bimodal pyroclastic volcanism during rifting of a paleoproterozoic arc at Snow Lake, Manitoba. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 54, p. 654-676.

Piercey, S.J., Gibson, H.L., Tardif, N., and Kamber, B.S. 2016. Ambient Redox and Hydrothermal Environment of the Wolverine Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposit, Yukon: Insights from Lithofacies and Lithogeochemistry of Mississippian Shales. Economic Geology, v.111, pp, 1439-1463.

Pehrsson, S., Gibson, H.L., and Gilmore, K., In Press, Preface: A Special Issue on volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of the Trans-Hudson Orogen, Economic Geology.

Lafrance, B., Gibson, H.L., Pehrsson, S., Schetselaar, E., DeWolfe, Y. M., and Lewis, D., 2016. Structural reconstruction of the Flin Flon volcanogenic massive sulfide mining district, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Canada, In press. A Special Issue on volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of the Trans-Hudson Orogen, Economic Geology, v.111, pp. 849-875. Invited Contribution

Ordonez-Calderon, J.C., Lafrance, B., Gibson, H.L., Schwartz, T., Pehrsson, S., and Rayner, N.M., 2016. Petrogenesis and Geodynamic Evolution of the Paleoproterozoic Trout lake Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposit, Flin Flon, Manitoba, Canada. A Special Issue on volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of the Trans-Hudson Orogen, Economic Geology, v.111, pp. 817-847. Invited ContributionRichan, L., Gibson, H.L., Moule. M.C, and Lesher, C.M., 2015. Mode of emplacement of Archean komatiitic tuffs and flows in the Selkirk Bay area, Melville Peninsula, Nunavut, Canada. Precambrian Research, v.263, p. 174-196.

Lodge, W.D., Gibson, H.L., Sott, G.M., Franklin, J.M., and Hudak, G.J., 2015. Geodynamic setting, crustal architecture, and VMS metallogeny of ca. 2720 Ma greenstone belt assemblages of the northern Wawa subprovince, Superior Province. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 52, p. 196-214.

Petersen, S., Westhues, A., Monecke, T., Hannington, M., Gemmell, B., Sharpe, R., Peters, M., Strauss, H., Lackschewitz, K., Augustin, N., Gibson, H.L., and Kleeberg, R., 2014. Drilling shallow-water massive sulphides at the Palinuro Volcanic Complex, Aeolian Island Arc, Italy. Economic Geology, v. 109.

Lodge, R.W., Gibson, H.L., Stott, G.M., Franklin, J.M., and Hamilton, M.A. 2014. Geodynamic reconstruction of the VMS-hosting Winston Lake Greenstone Belt: new trace element geochemistry and U-Pb geochronology. Economic Geology, v. 109, p. 1291-1313.

Mercier-Langevin, P., Gibson, H.L., Hannington, M., Goutier, J., Monecke, T., and Dube, B., 2014. Preface: Archean Magmatism, Volcanism and Ore Deposits, Part 2, Economic Geology, v. 109, p. 1-9.

McNicoll, V., Goutier, J., Dubé, B., Mercier-Langevin, P., Ross, P.-S., Dion, C., Monecke, T., Percival, J., Legault, M., and Gibson, H.L., 2014. New U-Pb geochronology from the Blake River Group, Abitibi Subprovince, Québec: implications for geological interpretations and base metal exploration. Special Issue of Economic Geology entitled Archean Volcanism, Magmatism and Ore deposits, v.109, p. 27-59.

Lodge, R.W., Gibson, H.L., Stott, G.M., Hudak, G.J., Jirsa, S.A., and Hamilton, M.A. 2013. New U-Pb geochronology from Temiskaming-type assemblages in the Shebandowan and Vermilion Greenstone Belts, Wawa Subprovince, Superior Craton: Implications for the Neoarchean development of the southwestern Superior Craton. Precambrian Research, v. 235, p. 264-277.

Leybourne, M.I., Schwarz-Schampera, U., de Ronde, C.E.J., Baker, E.T., Faure, K., Walker, S.L., Butterfield, D.A., Resing, J., Hannington, M.D., Gibson, H.L., Massoth, G., Embley, R.W., Chadwicj, W.W., Clark, M., Timm, C., Graham, I.J., and Wright, I.C., 2013. Submarine Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems at the Monowai Volcanic Center, Kermadec Arc. Economic Geology, v.107, p.1669-1692.

Leybourne, M.I., de Ronde, C.E.J., Wysoczanski, R.J., Timm, C., Gibson, H.L., Layton-Matthews, D., Clark, M., Faure, K., Walker, S.L., Baker, E.T., Lupton, J., and Massoth, G., 2013. Geology, hydrothermalism and seafloor massive sulfide mineralization at the Rumble II West mafic caldera. Economic Geology, v. 107, 1649-1668.

McNicoll, V., Goutier, J., Dubé, B., Mercier-Langevin, P., Ross, P.-S., Dion, C., Monecke, T., Percival, J., Legault, M., and Gibson, H.L., 2014. New U-Pb geochronology from the Blake River Group, Abitibi Subprovince, Québec: implications for geological interpretations and base metal exploration. Special Issue of Economic Geology entitled Archean Volcanism, Magmatism and Ore deposits, v.109, p. 27-59.

DeWolfe. Y.M., and Gibson, H.L., 2013. The Facies Architecture of a Paleoproterozoic Basaltic-Andesite Intrusion, Flin Flon, Manitoba, Canada. Bulletin of Volcanology. Vol.75.

Mercier-Langevin, P., Houle, M., Dube, B., Monecke,T., Hannington, M., Gibson, H.L., and Goutier, M., 2012. Preface: Archean Magmatism, Volcanism and Ore Deposits Part 1, Economic Geology, vol.107, p. 745-753.

Somers, C., Gibson, H.L., and Burk, R., 2010. The La Pitarrilla Silver-Zinc-Lead Deposit, Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico: A description of the Mineralization and Reconstruction of its Volcano-Sedimentary Environment. In, The Challenge of Finding New Mineral Resources: Global Metallogeny, Innovative Exploration, and New Discoveries, Society of Economic Geologists Special Publication Number 15, Vol. 1, p.133-164.


Government Publications and Maps

Monecke, T and Gibson, H.L., 2013. Surface Geology of the giant Horne volcanic-hosted massive sulphide deposit, Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7412, 2016, 6 map sheets, doi: 10.4095/292870

Simard, R-L, MacLachlan, K., Gibson, H.L., DeWolfe, Y.M., Devine, C., Kremer, P.D., Lafrance, B., Ames, D., Syme, E.C., Bailes, A.H., Pehrsson, S., Price, D., Bailey, K., Cole, E. and Galley, A.G., 2010. Geology of the Flin Flon area, Manitoba and Saskatchewan (part of NTS 63K12-13); Manitoba Science, Technology, Energy and Mines, Manitoba Geological Survey, Geoscientific Map MAP2009-1, Scale 1:10 000.

Houle, M.G., Gibson, H.L., Richan, L., Becu, V., Corrigan, D., and Nadeau, L., 2010. A new Nickel Discovery in the Prince Albert Hills, Melville Peninsula, Nunavut: Implications for Ni-Cu-PGE Exploration in the Prince Albert Group. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File Report 6729, 22p.


Published Field Guides and Workshop Notes

Poulsen, K.H., Robert, Francois, and Gibson, H.L., 2015. Geology of Granite-Greenstone Terranes and their Mineral Deposits, Society of Economic Geologists Short Course, AGU-GAC-MAC-CGU Joint Assembly, Montreal, 316p.
Gibson, H., Lafrance, B., Pehrsson, S., DeWolfe, M., Gilmore, K., Simard, R.L., and Pearson, B., 2013. The volcanological and structural evolution of the Paleoproterozoic Flin Flon Mining District: The anatomy of a Giant VMS system. GAC/MAC Field Trip Guide book, 47p.

Gibson, H.L., Pehrsson, S., Lafrance, B., DeWolfe, M., Syme, R., Bailes, A., Gilmore, K., Devine, C., R-L. Simard, Maclachlan, K., and Pearson, B., 2011. The volcanological and structural evolution of the Paleoproterozoic Flin Flon and Snow Lake Mining Districts. GAC-MAC-SEG-SGA Field trip Guidebook, Excursion 3B. 76p.

Mercier-Langevin, P., Goutier, J., Ross, P-S., McNicoll, V., Monecke, T., Dion, C., Dube, B., Thurston, P., Becu, V., Gibson, H.L., Hannington, M., and Galley, A. 2011. The Blake River Group of the Abitibi Greenstone Belt and its Unique VMS and Gold-rich VMS endowment. GAC-MAC-SEG-SGA Field trip Guidebook, Excursion 2B.


Published Conference Abstracts

K.E. Rubingh, B. Lafrance, Gibson, H.L., 2016. Structural geology of the New Britannia mine and nearby gold zones in the Flin Flon greenstone belt, Manitoba, and implications for other gold deposits across the belt. Mineral Exploration Symposium: New Research and Concepts Focused on Gold, Ni-Cu-PGE-Cr, & VMS, Sudbury

Gibson, H.L., Ulrich Schwarz-Schampera, Michelle DeWolfe, Margaret Engelbert and Ralf Freitag, 2015. Contrasting the settings of seafloor massive sulfide deposits on the South Central Indian Mid-Ocean Ridge: Results of the Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) INDEX 2013 cruise. In Program with Abstracts, GAC/MAC/AGU Joint-Annual Meeting, Montreal.

Friesen, V., Engelbert, M., DeWolfe, M., and Gibson, H.L., 2015. Volcanic reconstruction of the Powderhouse Dacite in the Paleoproterozoic VMS hosting Chisel Sequence, Snow Lake, Manitoba. In, Program with Abstracts, GAC/MAC/AGU Joint-Annual Meeting, Montreal.

Rubingh, K, Lafrance, B., and Gibson, H.L., 2015. Structural geology of the McLeod Road-Birsch Lake Sequence, Snow Lake , Manitoba and implications for the evolution of the southeastern Trans-Hudson Orogen. In, Program with Abstracts, GAC/MAC/AGU Joint-Annual Meeting, Montreal.

Hall, M., Lafrance, B., and Gibson, H.L., 2015. Deformation and structural controls at the Broken Hammer deposits, Sudbury. On. In, Program with Abstracts, GAC/MAC/AGU Joint-Annual Meeting, Montreal.

Gibson, H.L., et al., 2014. Reconstruction of the ore interval and environment for the Paleoproterozoic, Lost and Ghost Lake VMS deposits, Snow Lake, Manitoba. In Program with Abstracts, GAC/MAC Annual Meeting, Fredericton.

Engelbert, M.S., Friesen, V., Gibson, H.L., and Lafrance, B. Volcanic reconstruction of the productive VMS ore interval in the Paleoproterozoic Chisel sequence, Snow Lake, Manitoba. In Program with Abstracts, GAC/MAC Annual Meeting, Fredericton.

Lam, J., Tinkham, D., and Gibson, H.L., 2014. Characterization of gold occuurences with respect to metamorphism at the Lalor Deposits, snow lake, Manitoba. In, Program with Abstracts, GAC/MAC Annual Meeting, Fredericton.

Gibson, H.L., 2013. Plenary Lecture : The science and the discovery of VMS deposits. In Program with Abstracts, GAC/MAC Annual Meeting, Winnipeg.

Lodge, R., Gibson, H.L., Stott, G., Hudak., G., and Jirsa, M., 2013. Geochronology and geochemistry of Neoarchean Timiskaming-type assemblages in the Shebandowan and Vermiliongreenstone belts, Wawa subprovince, Superior Craton. In Program with Abstracts, GAC/MAC Annual Meeting, Winnipeg.

Monecke, T., Gibson, H.L., McNicol, V., Dube, B., and Hannington, M., 2013. Volcanologicla setting of the world-class, gold-rich Horne and Quemont VMS deposits, Blake River Group, Abitibi Greenstone belt, Canada. In Program with Abstracts, GAC/MAC Annual Meeting, Winnipeg.

Lam, J., Tinkham, D., and Gibson, H.L., 2013. Identification of metamorphic assemblages and textures associated with gold mineralization at the Lalor deposit Snow Lake, MB. In Program with Abstracts, GAC/MAC Annual Meeting, Winnipeg.

Engelbert, M., Gibson, H.L., and Lafrance, B., 2013. Gold enrichment in the auriferous Photo Lake deposit, Snow lake, MB. In Program with Abstracts, GAC/MAC Annual Meeting, Winnipeg.

Lodge, R., Gibson, H.L., Stott, G., and Franklin, J., 2013. Rapid development and subsidence of a Neoarchean volcani arc hosting the Winston lake orebodies, wawa subprovince, Superior Craton. In Program with Abstracts, GAC/MAC Annual Meeting, Winnipeg.

Gibson, H.L., Lafrance, B., and Pehrsson, S., 2012. Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of the Paleoproterozoic Flin Flon District: their reconstruction and post depositional modification. In Abstract Volume, GAC/MAC/SEG Annual Meeting, St. Johns.

Lodge, R., Gibson, H.L., and Stott, G., 2012. Trace element geochemistry and physical volcanology of the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt, Superior Craton, Canada: Implications for VMS mineralization and Tectonic processes in the Neoarchean. In Abstract Volume, GAC/MAC/SEG Annual Meeting, St. Johns.

Richan, L., Gibson, H.L., and Houle, M., 2012. Archean Komatiitic volcanism of the Prince Albert greenstone belt, Melville Peninsula, Nunavut, Canada. In Abstract Volume, GAC/MAC/SEG Annual Meeting, St. Johns.

Lodge, R.W.D., Gibson, H.L., Stott,G. 2011. Comparing the volcanology and geochemistry of Neoarchean VMS-endowed and VMS-deprived greenstone Belts in the Wawa Subprovince of the Superior Craton. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 43, No. 5, p. 489.

Gibson, H.L., Pehrsson, S., Thurston, P.C. and Lafrance, B., 2011. Volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits of the Paleoproterozoic Trans-Hudson Orogen and the Archean Abitibi Subprovince: Characteristics and metallogeny. Key Note Lecture. In, Program with Abstracts, Joint Annual Meeting of the GAC-MAC-SEG-SGA, Ottawa, Canada.

Gibson, H.L., Lafrance, B., DeWolfe, M., Devine, C., Bailey, K., Gilmore, K., and Pehrsson, S., 2011. Reconstruction of the volcanic and subvolcanic architecture of the Plaeoproterozoic VMS-hosting Flin Flon cauldron subsidence Structure . In, Program with Abstracts, Joint Annual Meeting of the GAC-MAC-SEG-SGA, Ottawa, Canada.

Gibson, H.L., Schwarz-Schampera, U., Stoffers, P. and Hekinian, R., 2011. Submarine Fire-Fountain deposits at the Hine Hina hydrothermal vent field, Lau back-arc basin: Basaltic pyroclastic eruptions at 1850 m water depth. In, Program with Abstracts, Joint Annual Meeting of the GAC-MAC-SEG-SGA, Ottawa, Canada.

Lafrance, B., Gibson, H.L., Pehrsson, S., Schetselaar, E., DeWolfe, Y.M. and Lewis, D., 2011.Structural evolution of the VMS Flin Flon mining district, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. In, Program with Abstracts, Joint Annual Meeting of the GAC-MAC-SEG-SGA, Ottawa, Canada.

Préfontaine, S., Gibson, H.L., Houlé, M.G. and Mercier-Langevin, P., 2011. Characterization and spatial distribution of the alteration facies for the mafic to ultramafic Potter massive sulphide deposit, Abitibi greenstone belt, Ontario. In, Program with Abstracts, Joint Annual Meeting of the GAC-MAC-SEG-SGA, Ottawa, Canada.

Monecke, T., Gibson, H.L., McNicoll, V., and Dube, B., 2011. Geology of the Horne massive sulfide deposit, Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec. In, Program with Abstracts, Joint Annual Meeting of the GAC-MAC-SEG-SGA, Ottawa, Canada.

Somers, C.M.J., Gibson, H.L., Kontak, D.J. and Burk, R., 2011. Diverse mineralization and alteration styles at the Pitarrilla, silver-zinc-lead deposit, Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico: An example of a vertically zoned magmatic-hydrothermal ore system. In, Program with Abstracts, Joint Annual Meeting of the GAC-MAC-SEG-SGA, Ottawa, Canada.

Fitchett, C.I., Tinkham, D.K. and Gibson, H.L., 2011. Metamorphic phase equilibria for volcanogenic alteration systems, Amulet F deposit, Noranda district, Abitibi Subprovince. In, Program with Abstracts, Joint Annual Meeting of the GAC-MAC-SEG-SGA, Ottawa, Canada.

Richan, L.A., Houlé, M.G. and Gibson, H.L., 2011. Preliminary results on the physical volcanology of komatiites of the Prince Albert Group within the Prince Albert Hills, Melville Peninsula, Nunavut. In, Program with Abstracts, Joint Annual Meeting of the GAC-MAC-SEG-SGA, Ottawa, Canada.

Schetselaar, E., Devine, C., Currie, M., Pehrsson, S., White, D., Malinowski, M., Lafrance, B. and Gibson, H.L., 2011. New insights on the structural setting of the Flin Flon mining district, Trans-Hudson Orogen, Canada by 3D integrated interpretation of drill hole, seismic and geologic map data. In, Program with Abstracts, Joint Annual Meeting of the GAC-MAC-SEG-SGA, Ottawa, Canada.

Gibson, H.L., Lafrance, B., Tinkham, D., DeWolfe, Y.M., and Bailes, A., 2011. Volcanological, structural, and metamorphic reconstruction of the Snow Lake VMS district: an outline of the research plan. In, Program with Abstracts, Manitoba Mining and Minerals Convention, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Invited Paper

Gibson, H.L., Lafrance, B., Tinkham, D., DeWolfe, Y.M., and Bailes, A. 2010 Volcanological, structural, and metamorphic reconstruction of the Snow Lake VMS district: an outline of the research plan. In, Program with Abstracts, Manitoba Mining and Minerals Convention, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Invited Paper

Somers, C., Gibson, H.L., and Burk, R., 2010. The volcano-sedimentary environment and silver–base metal mineralization types at La Pitarrilla, an Intermediate Sulfidation Silver Deposit, Durango State, Mexico. In, Program with Abstracts, Society of Economic Geologists Conference, Keystone, Colorado.

Fitchett, C., Tinkham, D., and Gibson, H.L., 2010. Applied modeling of metamorphic phase equilibria for alteration vectors in volcanogenic massive sulfide systems. In Abstracts, Geological Association of Canada/ Mineralogical Association of Canada Annual Meeting, vol.35, Calgary.

Somers, C., Gibson, H.L. and Burk., 2010. Reconstruction of the volcanic-sedimentary environment of strata hosting the La Pitarrilla, Silver-Zinc-Lead Deposit, Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico. In Abstracts, Geological Association of Canada/ Mineralogical Association of Canada Annual Meeting, vol.35, Calgary.

DeWolfe, Y.M., Gibson, H.L., Piercey, S.J. 2010: The facies architecture of a Paleoproterozoic basaltic andesite intrusion, Flin Flon, Manitoba, Canada: the description and emplacement of cryptoflows. Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section Meeting Abstracts Volume, unpaginated

Telephone: 705-675-1151 ext 2371
Email: hgibson@laurentian.ca

Registered P.Geo. with the Saskatchewan Professional Engineers and Geoscientists


  • 2012 Duncan Ramsay Derry Medal, Mineral Deposits Division, Geological Association of Canada

  • 2003 Julian Boldy Award, Mineral Deposits Division, Geological Association of Canada; shared with Michelle DeWolfe (MSc, PhD), Dave Richardson (MSc), and John Ayer

  • 1998 Barlow Medal, Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy; shared with Don Rousell, and I. Jonasson,

  • 1996 Julian Boldy Award, Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy; shared with Jim Davies and Robert Whitehead

  • 1992 William Harvey Gross Medal, Mineral Deposits Division, Geological Association of Canada

  • 1990 Lang Lecturer, Geological Survey of Canada Mineral Colloquium


Research Interests

  • Since joining Laurentian University in 1990, after leaving a successful 12-year career in the mining exploration industry, Harold and his students have undertaken research projects across Canada, globally, and the modern seafloor. The long-term objective of my research is to determine and understand the interrelationships between magmatism, volcanism, tectonics, and the paleohydrology and timing of volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) ore systems during the construction and evolution of submarine volcanoes through time. 

  • His research projects are field based and focus on volcanic processes and environments of volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) and epithermal precious metal ore systems and include: eruption processes and their deposits with an emphasis on submarine volcanism, volcanic subsidence structures, volcanic and magmatic processes in ore location, rhyolite petrogenesis, and hydrothermal alteration.

  • Current research areas include the Paleoproterozoic Flin Flon and Snow Lake VMS districts, Northern Manitoba and Saskatchewan, the Archean Noranda VMS District and Abitibi Greenstone Belt of Ontario and Quebec, VMS and epithermal precious metal deposits in the Guerrero terrane and Mexican Silver Belt, and VMS deposits of the Lau Basin, Tonga/Aeolian arcs, and Indian Mid-Ocean Ridge on the modern seafloor.


Available Research Projects

If you are interested in a M.Sc. or Ph.D. research project, please contact me or see our current research projects and geology graduate program information.


Current Ph.D. Students

Thomas Gemmell - The base metal metallogeny of the Swayze greenstone belt

Paulina Nordfeldt (PhD) - The geological setting and origin of Au-Te mineralization at the Paleoproterozoic Åkulla deposit, Skellefte District, Sweden. Laurentian University – Stockholm University Cotutelle, Co-supervisors Iain Pitcairn (Stockholm), Rodney Allen (Boliden, Lulea University)

Marina Schofield  - Syn-volcanic and orogenic metal endowment of the Noranda camp, Québec

Keaton Strongman - Base and precious metal metallogeny of the Onaman-Tashota greenstone


Current MSc Students

Julian Melo-Gomez - The geochemistry of gold, an analysis of Ontario gold deposits


Past PhD Students

Margaret Engelbert (PhD), The volcanic and deformation history, geodynamic setting and metallogenesis of the Paleoproterozoic Upper Chisel Sequence, Snow Lake Manitoba. Co-supervisor, Bruno Lafrance

Kate Rubingh (PhD), Structural controls on gold mineralization at the Paleoproterozoic Snow lake Mine, Snow Lake, Manitoba. Co-supervisor, Bruno Lafrance


Past M.Sc. Students

Jonathan Sutton - Volcanic Stratigraphy and Hydrothermal Alteration of the ca. 2701 Ma Duprat-Montrbray Formation: Implications for Targeting New Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide (VMS) Deposits Formed During the Lower Blake River Episode, Rouyn-Noranda, Québec

Sean Brace - Syenite-associated gold mineralization along the Lincoln-Nippissing Shear which is south of the Larder Lake-Cadillac Deformation Zone

Adrian Rehm - Detailed geological mapping of the contact zone between metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks in the Pontiac Subprovince, Lac Bellecombe area, Québec

Marshall Hall - Emplacement mechanisms and spatial and temporal relationships between low sulfide and sharp walled vein systems in Footwall Cu-Ni-PGE deposit at the Broken Hammer deposit, Sudbury, Co-supervisor, Bruno Lafrance

Vanessa Friesen - Origin, emplacement and metallogenic significance of the Paleoproterozic Powderhouse dacite, Snow Lake, Manitoba. Co-supervisor: Dr. Michelle DeWolfe (Mount Royal University)

Keaton Strongman - Volcanic, Structural, and Hydrothermal Controls on Coincident Archean Low and High Sulfidation VMS Systems within the Onaman Assemblage, OnamanTashota Greenstone Belt, Northern Ontario, Canada

Judy Lam - Metamorphism and metal mobility at the Paleoproterozoic Lalor VMS deposit, Snow lake, Manitoba. Co-supervisor, Doug Tinkham

Luis Arteaga - 2015. Temporal and spatial relationship between gold mineralization and intrusive rocks in the Boston Creek area, Abitibi greenstone belt, ON, Canada" with Dan Kontak, and Pedro Jugo

Jill Maxwell - Applied MSc Mineral Exploration. Characterization of the intrusive history and Pd mineralization at the Creek Zone. Lac des Iles complex, ON


Representative Publications 2010-2020

Rubingh, K,E., Lafrance, B., and Gibson, H.L., 2020, A reinterpretation of the Snow Lake gold camp, Trans-Hudson Orogen: The use of cleavages as markers to correlate structures across deformed terranes. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences.

Hall, M., Lafrance, B., and Gibson, H.L., 2020, Emplacement of sharp- walled sulfide veins during the formation and reactivation of impact-related structures at the Broken Hammer Mine, Sudbury, Ontario. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences.

Friesen,V., DeWolfe, Y.M., and Gibson, H.L., 2020, Volcanic Reconstruction of the Powderhouse Formation in the Paleoproterozoic VMS-hosting Chisel Sequence, Snow Lake, Manitoba, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences.

DeWolfe, Y.M., Gibson, H.L., Austin-Fafard, S., 2020. Volcanic reconstruction od the Paleoproterozoic Stroud Breccia: Understanding the transition from a primitive to mature arc and impact on VMS ore-formation, Snow Lake, Manitoba, Canada. Precambrian Research, vol. 344, p. 1-18.

DeWolfe. Y.M., Gibson, H.L., and Richardson, D., 2018. 3-D reconstruction of volcanic and ore-forming enviornments of a giant VMS system: A case study from the Kidd Creek Mine, Canada, Ore Geology Reviews, vol.101, p.532-555.
Stewart, M., Lafrance, B., and Gibson, H.L., 2018. Early thrusting and folding in the Snow Lake camp, Manitoba: Tectonic implications and effects on volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol.55, p. 935-957.

Rubingh, K, Gibson, H.L., and Lafrance, B. 2017. Evidence for voluminous bimodal pyroclastic volcanism during rifting of a paleoproterozoic arc at Snow Lake, Manitoba. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 54, p. 654-676.

Piercey, S.J., Gibson, H.L., Tardif, N., and Kamber, B.S. 2016. Ambient Redox and Hydrothermal Environment of the Wolverine Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposit, Yukon: Insights from Lithofacies and Lithogeochemistry of Mississippian Shales. Economic Geology, v.111, pp, 1439-1463.


Pehrsson, S., Gibson, H.L., and Gilmore, K., In Press, Preface: A Special Issue on volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of the Trans-Hudson Orogen, Economic Geology.

Lafrance, B., Gibson, H.L., Pehrsson, S., Schetselaar, E., DeWolfe, Y. M., and Lewis, D., 2016. Structural reconstruction of the Flin Flon volcanogenic massive sulfide mining district, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Canada, In press. A Special Issue on volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of the Trans-Hudson Orogen, Economic Geology, v.111, pp. 849-875. Invited Contribution

Ordonez-Calderon, J.C., Lafrance, B., Gibson, H.L., Schwartz, T., Pehrsson, S., and Rayner, N.M., 2016. Petrogenesis and Geodynamic Evolution of the Paleoproterozoic Trout lake Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposit, Flin Flon, Manitoba, Canada. A Special Issue on volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of the Trans-Hudson Orogen, Economic Geology, v.111, pp. 817-847. Invited Contribution

Richan, L., Gibson, H.L., Moule. M.C, and Lesher, C.M., 2015. Mode of emplacement of Archean komatiitic tuffs and flows in the Selkirk Bay area, Melville Peninsula, Nunavut, Canada. Precambrian Research, v.263, p. 174-196.

Lodge, W.D., Gibson, H.L., Sott, G.M., Franklin, J.M., and Hudak, G.J., 2015. Geodynamic setting, crustal architecture, and VMS metallogeny of ca. 2720 Ma greenstone belt assemblages of the northern Wawa subprovince, Superior Province. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 52, p. 196-214.

Petersen, S., Westhues, A., Monecke, T., Hannington, M., Gemmell, B., Sharpe, R., Peters, M., Strauss, H., Lackschewitz, K., Augustin, N., Gibson, H.L., and Kleeberg, R., 2014. Drilling shallow-water massive sulphides at the Palinuro Volcanic Complex, Aeolian Island Arc, Italy. Economic Geology, v. 109.

Lodge, R.W., Gibson, H.L., Stott, G.M., Franklin, J.M., and Hamilton, M.A. 2014. Geodynamic reconstruction of the VMS-hosting Winston Lake Greenstone Belt: new trace element geochemistry and U-Pb geochronology. Economic Geology, v. 109, p. 1291-1313.

Mercier-Langevin, P., Gibson, H.L., Hannington, M., Goutier, J., Monecke, T., and Dube, B., 2014. Preface: Archean Magmatism, Volcanism and Ore Deposits, Part 2, Economic Geology, v. 109, p. 1-9.

McNicoll, V., Goutier, J., Dubé, B., Mercier-Langevin, P., Ross, P.-S., Dion, C., Monecke, T., Percival, J., Legault, M., and Gibson, H.L., 2014. New U-Pb geochronology from the Blake River Group, Abitibi Subprovince, Québec: implications for geological interpretations and base metal exploration. Special Issue of Economic Geology entitled Archean Volcanism, Magmatism and Ore deposits, v.109, p. 27-59.

Lodge, R.W., Gibson, H.L., Stott, G.M., Hudak, G.J., Jirsa, S.A., and Hamilton, M.A. 2013. New U-Pb geochronology from Temiskaming-type assemblages in the Shebandowan and Vermilion Greenstone Belts, Wawa Subprovince, Superior Craton: Implications for the Neoarchean development of the southwestern Superior Craton. Precambrian Research, v. 235, p. 264-277.

Leybourne, M.I., Schwarz-Schampera, U., de Ronde, C.E.J., Baker, E.T., Faure, K., Walker, S.L., Butterfield, D.A., Resing, J., Hannington, M.D., Gibson, H.L., Massoth, G., Embley, R.W., Chadwicj, W.W., Clark, M., Timm, C., Graham, I.J., and Wright, I.C., 2013. Submarine Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems at the Monowai Volcanic Center, Kermadec Arc. Economic Geology, v.107, p.1669-1692.

Leybourne, M.I., de Ronde, C.E.J., Wysoczanski, R.J., Timm, C., Gibson, H.L., Layton-Matthews, D., Clark, M., Faure, K., Walker, S.L., Baker, E.T., Lupton, J., and Massoth, G., 2013. Geology, hydrothermalism and seafloor massive sulfide mineralization at the Rumble II West mafic caldera. Economic Geology, v. 107, 1649-1668.

McNicoll, V., Goutier, J., Dubé, B., Mercier-Langevin, P., Ross, P.-S., Dion, C., Monecke, T., Percival, J., Legault, M., and Gibson, H.L., 2014. New U-Pb geochronology from the Blake River Group, Abitibi Subprovince, Québec: implications for geological interpretations and base metal exploration. Special Issue of Economic Geology entitled Archean Volcanism, Magmatism and Ore deposits, v.109, p. 27-59.

DeWolfe. Y.M., and Gibson, H.L., 2013. The Facies Architecture of a Paleoproterozoic Basaltic-Andesite Intrusion, Flin Flon, Manitoba, Canada. Bulletin of Volcanology. Vol.75.

Mercier-Langevin, P., Houle, M., Dube, B., Monecke,T., Hannington, M., Gibson, H.L., and Goutier, M., 2012. Preface: Archean Magmatism, Volcanism and Ore Deposits Part 1, Economic Geology, vol.107, p. 745-753.

Somers, C., Gibson, H.L., and Burk, R., 2010. The La Pitarrilla Silver-Zinc-Lead Deposit, Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico: A description of the Mineralization and Reconstruction of its Volcano-Sedimentary Environment. In, The Challenge of Finding New Mineral Resources: Global Metallogeny, Innovative Exploration, and New Discoveries, Society of Economic Geologists Special Publication Number 15, Vol. 1, p.133-164.


Government Publications and Maps

Monecke, T and Gibson, H.L., 2013. Surface Geology of the giant Horne volcanic-hosted massive sulphide deposit, Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7412, 2016, 6 map sheets, doi: 10.4095/292870

Simard, R-L, MacLachlan, K., Gibson, H.L., DeWolfe, Y.M., Devine, C., Kremer, P.D., Lafrance, B., Ames, D., Syme, E.C., Bailes, A.H., Pehrsson, S., Price, D., Bailey, K., Cole, E. and Galley, A.G., 2010. Geology of the Flin Flon area, Manitoba and Saskatchewan (part of NTS 63K12-13); Manitoba Science, Technology, Energy and Mines, Manitoba Geological Survey, Geoscientific Map MAP2009-1, Scale 1:10 000.

Houle, M.G., Gibson, H.L., Richan, L., Becu, V., Corrigan, D., and Nadeau, L., 2010. A new Nickel Discovery in the Prince Albert Hills, Melville Peninsula, Nunavut: Implications for Ni-Cu-PGE Exploration in the Prince Albert Group. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File Report 6729, 22p.


Published Field Guides and Workshop Notes

Poulsen, K.H., Robert, Francois, and Gibson, H.L., 2015. Geology of Granite-Greenstone Terranes and their Mineral Deposits, Society of Economic Geologists Short Course, AGU-GAC-MAC-CGU Joint Assembly, Montreal, 316p.
Gibson, H., Lafrance, B., Pehrsson, S., DeWolfe, M., Gilmore, K., Simard, R.L., and Pearson, B., 2013. The volcanological and structural evolution of the Paleoproterozoic Flin Flon Mining District: The anatomy of a Giant VMS system. GAC/MAC Field Trip Guide book, 47p.

Gibson, H.L., Pehrsson, S., Lafrance, B., DeWolfe, M., Syme, R., Bailes, A., Gilmore, K., Devine, C., R-L. Simard, Maclachlan, K., and Pearson, B., 2011. The volcanological and structural evolution of the Paleoproterozoic Flin Flon and Snow Lake Mining Districts. GAC-MAC-SEG-SGA Field trip Guidebook, Excursion 3B. 76p.

Mercier-Langevin, P., Goutier, J., Ross, P-S., McNicoll, V., Monecke, T., Dion, C., Dube, B., Thurston, P., Becu, V., Gibson, H.L., Hannington, M., and Galley, A. 2011. The Blake River Group of the Abitibi Greenstone Belt and its Unique VMS and Gold-rich VMS endowment. GAC-MAC-SEG-SGA Field trip Guidebook, Excursion 2B.


Published Conference Abstracts

K.E. Rubingh, B. Lafrance, Gibson, H.L., 2016. Structural geology of the New Britannia mine and nearby gold zones in the Flin Flon greenstone belt, Manitoba, and implications for other gold deposits across the belt. Mineral Exploration Symposium: New Research and Concepts Focused on Gold, Ni-Cu-PGE-Cr, & VMS, Sudbury

Gibson, H.L., Ulrich Schwarz-Schampera, Michelle DeWolfe, Margaret Engelbert and Ralf Freitag, 2015. Contrasting the settings of seafloor massive sulfide deposits on the South Central Indian Mid-Ocean Ridge: Results of the Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) INDEX 2013 cruise. In Program with Abstracts, GAC/MAC/AGU Joint-Annual Meeting, Montreal.

Friesen, V., Engelbert, M., DeWolfe, M., and Gibson, H.L., 2015. Volcanic reconstruction of the Powderhouse Dacite in the Paleoproterozoic VMS hosting Chisel Sequence, Snow Lake, Manitoba. In, Program with Abstracts, GAC/MAC/AGU Joint-Annual Meeting, Montreal.

Rubingh, K, Lafrance, B., and Gibson, H.L., 2015. Structural geology of the McLeod Road-Birsch Lake Sequence, Snow Lake , Manitoba and implications for the evolution of the southeastern Trans-Hudson Orogen. In, Program with Abstracts, GAC/MAC/AGU Joint-Annual Meeting, Montreal.

Hall, M., Lafrance, B., and Gibson, H.L., 2015. Deformation and structural controls at the Broken Hammer deposits, Sudbury. On. In, Program with Abstracts, GAC/MAC/AGU Joint-Annual Meeting, Montreal.

Gibson, H.L., et al., 2014. Reconstruction of the ore interval and environment for the Paleoproterozoic, Lost and Ghost Lake VMS deposits, Snow Lake, Manitoba. In Program with Abstracts, GAC/MAC Annual Meeting, Fredericton.

Engelbert, M.S., Friesen, V., Gibson, H.L., and Lafrance, B. Volcanic reconstruction of the productive VMS ore interval in the Paleoproterozoic Chisel sequence, Snow Lake, Manitoba. In Program with Abstracts, GAC/MAC Annual Meeting, Fredericton.

Lam, J., Tinkham, D., and Gibson, H.L., 2014. Characterization of gold occuurences with respect to metamorphism at the Lalor Deposits, snow lake, Manitoba. In, Program with Abstracts, GAC/MAC Annual Meeting, Fredericton.

Gibson, H.L., 2013. Plenary Lecture : The science and the discovery of VMS deposits. In Program with Abstracts, GAC/MAC Annual Meeting, Winnipeg.

Lodge, R., Gibson, H.L., Stott, G., Hudak., G., and Jirsa, M., 2013. Geochronology and geochemistry of Neoarchean Timiskaming-type assemblages in the Shebandowan and Vermiliongreenstone belts, Wawa subprovince, Superior Craton. In Program with Abstracts, GAC/MAC Annual Meeting, Winnipeg.

Monecke, T., Gibson, H.L., McNicol, V., Dube, B., and Hannington, M., 2013. Volcanologicla setting of the world-class, gold-rich Horne and Quemont VMS deposits, Blake River Group, Abitibi Greenstone belt, Canada. In Program with Abstracts, GAC/MAC Annual Meeting, Winnipeg.

Lam, J., Tinkham, D., and Gibson, H.L., 2013. Identification of metamorphic assemblages and textures associated with gold mineralization at the Lalor deposit Snow Lake, MB. In Program with Abstracts, GAC/MAC Annual Meeting, Winnipeg.

Engelbert, M., Gibson, H.L., and Lafrance, B., 2013. Gold enrichment in the auriferous Photo Lake deposit, Snow lake, MB. In Program with Abstracts, GAC/MAC Annual Meeting, Winnipeg.

Lodge, R., Gibson, H.L., Stott, G., and Franklin, J., 2013. Rapid development and subsidence of a Neoarchean volcani arc hosting the Winston lake orebodies, wawa subprovince, Superior Craton. In Program with Abstracts, GAC/MAC Annual Meeting, Winnipeg.

Gibson, H.L., Lafrance, B., and Pehrsson, S., 2012. Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of the Paleoproterozoic Flin Flon District: their reconstruction and post depositional modification. In Abstract Volume, GAC/MAC/SEG Annual Meeting, St. Johns.

Lodge, R., Gibson, H.L., and Stott, G., 2012. Trace element geochemistry and physical volcanology of the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt, Superior Craton, Canada: Implications for VMS mineralization and Tectonic processes in the Neoarchean. In Abstract Volume, GAC/MAC/SEG Annual Meeting, St. Johns.

Richan, L., Gibson, H.L., and Houle, M., 2012. Archean Komatiitic volcanism of the Prince Albert greenstone belt, Melville Peninsula, Nunavut, Canada. In Abstract Volume, GAC/MAC/SEG Annual Meeting, St. Johns.

Lodge, R.W.D., Gibson, H.L., Stott,G. 2011. Comparing the volcanology and geochemistry of Neoarchean VMS-endowed and VMS-deprived greenstone Belts in the Wawa Subprovince of the Superior Craton. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 43, No. 5, p. 489.

Gibson, H.L., Pehrsson, S., Thurston, P.C. and Lafrance, B., 2011. Volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits of the Paleoproterozoic Trans-Hudson Orogen and the Archean Abitibi Subprovince: Characteristics and metallogeny. Key Note Lecture. In, Program with Abstracts, Joint Annual Meeting of the GAC-MAC-SEG-SGA, Ottawa, Canada.

Gibson, H.L., Lafrance, B., DeWolfe, M., Devine, C., Bailey, K., Gilmore, K., and Pehrsson, S., 2011. Reconstruction of the volcanic and subvolcanic architecture of the Plaeoproterozoic VMS-hosting Flin Flon cauldron subsidence Structure . In, Program with Abstracts, Joint Annual Meeting of the GAC-MAC-SEG-SGA, Ottawa, Canada.

Gibson, H.L., Schwarz-Schampera, U., Stoffers, P. and Hekinian, R., 2011. Submarine Fire-Fountain deposits at the Hine Hina hydrothermal vent field, Lau back-arc basin: Basaltic pyroclastic eruptions at 1850 m water depth. In, Program with Abstracts, Joint Annual Meeting of the GAC-MAC-SEG-SGA, Ottawa, Canada.

Lafrance, B., Gibson, H.L., Pehrsson, S., Schetselaar, E., DeWolfe, Y.M. and Lewis, D., 2011.Structural evolution of the VMS Flin Flon mining district, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. In, Program with Abstracts, Joint Annual Meeting of the GAC-MAC-SEG-SGA, Ottawa, Canada.

Préfontaine, S., Gibson, H.L., Houlé, M.G. and Mercier-Langevin, P., 2011. Characterization and spatial distribution of the alteration facies for the mafic to ultramafic Potter massive sulphide deposit, Abitibi greenstone belt, Ontario. In, Program with Abstracts, Joint Annual Meeting of the GAC-MAC-SEG-SGA, Ottawa, Canada.

Monecke, T., Gibson, H.L., McNicoll, V., and Dube, B., 2011. Geology of the Horne massive sulfide deposit, Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec. In, Program with Abstracts, Joint Annual Meeting of the GAC-MAC-SEG-SGA, Ottawa, Canada.

Somers, C.M.J., Gibson, H.L., Kontak, D.J. and Burk, R., 2011. Diverse mineralization and alteration styles at the Pitarrilla, silver-zinc-lead deposit, Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico: An example of a vertically zoned magmatic-hydrothermal ore system. In, Program with Abstracts, Joint Annual Meeting of the GAC-MAC-SEG-SGA, Ottawa, Canada.

Fitchett, C.I., Tinkham, D.K. and Gibson, H.L., 2011. Metamorphic phase equilibria for volcanogenic alteration systems, Amulet F deposit, Noranda district, Abitibi Subprovince. In, Program with Abstracts, Joint Annual Meeting of the GAC-MAC-SEG-SGA, Ottawa, Canada.

Richan, L.A., Houlé, M.G. and Gibson, H.L., 2011. Preliminary results on the physical volcanology of komatiites of the Prince Albert Group within the Prince Albert Hills, Melville Peninsula, Nunavut. In, Program with Abstracts, Joint Annual Meeting of the GAC-MAC-SEG-SGA, Ottawa, Canada.

Schetselaar, E., Devine, C., Currie, M., Pehrsson, S., White, D., Malinowski, M., Lafrance, B. and Gibson, H.L., 2011. New insights on the structural setting of the Flin Flon mining district, Trans-Hudson Orogen, Canada by 3D integrated interpretation of drill hole, seismic and geologic map data. In, Program with Abstracts, Joint Annual Meeting of the GAC-MAC-SEG-SGA, Ottawa, Canada.

Gibson, H.L., Lafrance, B., Tinkham, D., DeWolfe, Y.M., and Bailes, A., 2011. Volcanological, structural, and metamorphic reconstruction of the Snow Lake VMS district: an outline of the research plan. In, Program with Abstracts, Manitoba Mining and Minerals Convention, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Invited Paper

Gibson, H.L., Lafrance, B., Tinkham, D., DeWolfe, Y.M., and Bailes, A. 2010 Volcanological, structural, and metamorphic reconstruction of the Snow Lake VMS district: an outline of the research plan. In, Program with Abstracts, Manitoba Mining and Minerals Convention, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Invited Paper

Somers, C., Gibson, H.L., and Burk, R., 2010. The volcano-sedimentary environment and silver–base metal mineralization types at La Pitarrilla, an Intermediate Sulfidation Silver Deposit, Durango State, Mexico. In, Program with Abstracts, Society of Economic Geologists Conference, Keystone, Colorado.

Fitchett, C., Tinkham, D., and Gibson, H.L., 2010. Applied modeling of metamorphic phase equilibria for alteration vectors in volcanogenic massive sulfide systems. In Abstracts, Geological Association of Canada/ Mineralogical Association of Canada Annual Meeting, vol.35, Calgary.

Somers, C., Gibson, H.L. and Burk., 2010. Reconstruction of the volcanic-sedimentary environment of strata hosting the La Pitarrilla, Silver-Zinc-Lead Deposit, Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico. In Abstracts, Geological Association of Canada/ Mineralogical Association of Canada Annual Meeting, vol.35, Calgary.

DeWolfe, Y.M., Gibson, H.L., Piercey, S.J. 2010: The facies architecture of a Paleoproterozoic basaltic andesite intrusion, Flin Flon, Manitoba, Canada: the description and emplacement of cryptoflows. Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section Meeting Abstracts Volume, unpaginated





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