Evan Hall
MSc Geology StudentStructural and Stratigraphic Controls on Gold Mineralization, Ulu Project, High Lake Greenstone Belt, Nunavut, Canada
After completing a degree in Earth and Ocean Science at the University of Victoria in BC, I spent four years working in mineral exploration throughout western Canada, with a focus on hydrothermal gold mineralization in the Yukon. My current research at Laurentian University focuses on the structural and stratigraphic framework of a high-grade Ulu Gold deposit in western Nunavut.
The Ulu gold project lies within the High Lake greenstone belt, a folded succession of mafic volcanic and sedimentary rocks within the Slave Craton of western Nunavut. The gold mineralization is unusual in that it is hosted in amphibolite facies metamorphic rocks, which obscure many of the alteration and deformation characteristics that are common in deposits hosted by lower metamorphic grade rocks. This research aims to provide a chronological framework for structural events and metamorphism with respect to hydrothermal activity and the deposition of gold mineralization. This work will aid exploration companies to better understand the characteristics of gold systems hosted within higher metamorphic grade rocks.
This project is funded through a Mitacs Accelerate internship and by the industry partner, Blue Star Gold Corp.
Supervisors: Bruno Lafrance and Ross Sherlock
Email: ehall@laurentian.ca