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Caitlin Jones

Caitlin Jones

PhD Student

Metallogeny and structural controls on the Detour Lake Gold Mine, Abitibi Greenstone Belt

I am South African, and I completed my undergraduate and MSc Geology at Stellenbosch University in South Africa. My MSc focused on determining the structural controls of hydrothermal fluid flow and auriferous mineralization in the Barberton Greenstone Belt of South Africa. I presented at the SEG Orogenic Gold in Africa workshop in February in Cape Town, South Africa, alongside Richard Goldfarb, Bob Foster, and Glen Nwaila. I have been asked to be a keynote speaker at the Gold24 symposium in Perth, Australia, in October 2024.

My current PhD project, Metallogeny and structural controls on the Detour Lake Gold Mine, Abitibi Greenstone Belt, will determine and describe the geological setting and genesis of the Detour Lake deposit to improve both the geological and exploration models. The main objectives of my thesis are to (1) characterize the gold mineralization styles and events, (2) unravel the structural and lithological controls on the mineralization and high-grade ore shoots, and (3) ultimately integrate the results to produce a geological and metallogenic model of the Detour Lake-Fenelon Gold belt.

Funding: Geological Survey of Canada Targeted Geoscience Initiative

Email: cjones6@laurentian.ca



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