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Bruno Lafrance

Bruno Lafrance

Professor of Structural Geology, Metal Earth Associate Director

Telephone: 705-675-1151 ext 2264; Email: BLafrance@laurentian.ca


B.Sc. (Université de Montréal, Montréal, QC)

PhD (University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB)



GEOL 3006 - Field Geology II; 
Rousell, Long - Outliers (PDF) 
Young - Huronian (PDF)
GEOL 3306 - Structural Geology
GEOL 5307 - Structure, Tectonics & Mineral Exploration

Bruno's research focusses on understanding deformation processes involved in the genesis and subsequent deformation of ore deposits and their host rocks. Ore deposits generally form in tectonically active environments. Tectonic structures, such as faults, directly control the genesis of ore deposits because they act as conduits for the flow and migration of hydrothermal fluids. Post-depositional deformation can subsequently affect the geometry, continuity, mineralogy, and metal grade of ore deposits. Rock units hosting ore deposits are affected by the deformation events responsible for the formation and/or subsequent modification of the deposits. Knowing how host rocks of ore deposits behaved during deformation is key to understanding how deposits formed and were subsequently deformed.


Current Research Projects

Structural field geology, structural controls on gold mineralization, Precambrian geology, microstructural and textural analysis of deformed rocks; if you are interested in a M.Sc. or PhD research project, please contact me.


Research Themes

Structure & Tectonics Ore Deposits and Mineral Exploration


Research Interests

  • Field structural geology
  • Structural controls on gold mineralization
  • Microstructural and textural analysis of deformed rocks

Current Ph.D. Students

Engelbert, Margaret 
The volcanic and deformation history, geodynamic setting, and metallogenesis of the Upper Chisel Sequence, Snow Lake, Manitoba, Canada. Co-supervised with Dr. Harold Gibson

Généreux, Carol-Anne  
Structural and metamorphic evolution of the South Range in the Drury and Denison townships, Sudbury, with emphasis on the controls on low-sulphide PGE mineralization. Co-supervised with Dr. Doug Tinkham

Hastie, Evan 
Gold Metallogeny of the Southern Swayze Greenstone Belt, Abitibi Subprovince. Co-supervised with Dr. Dan Kontak

Hunter, Rebecca 
Geological Investigation of Unconformity-related Uranium Mineralization along the Qavvik-Tatiggaq Trend, northeast Thelon Basin, Nunavut.

Rubingh, Kate 
The tectonic, structural and stratigraphic setting, and origin of eastern Trans-Hudson Orogen Gold Deposits at Snow Lake, Manitoba. Co-supervised with Dr. Harold Gibson.

Toth, Zsuzsanna 
Banded Iron Formation-Hosted Gold Mineralization – Beardmore-Geraldton Area: structural setting, footprint(s) and exploration implications. Co-supervised with Dr. Benoît Dubé (GSC)


Current M.Sc. Students

Chappell, Ian  
Structural controls and chronology of gold mineralization at the Black Fox mine and Grey Fox zone, Matheson, Abitibi. Co-supervised with Dr. Dan Kontak

Hall, Marshall 
Emplacement mechanisms and spatial and temporal relationships between low-sulphide and sharp-walled vein systems in Footwall mineralization in the Sudbury Camp. Co-supervised with Dr. Harold Gibson

Kelly, Christopher 
Alteration associated with gold mineralization in the Grey Fox, Black Fox, and Hislop deposit areas, Matheson, ON. Co-supervised with Dr. Dan Kontak

Ogilvie, Thomas 
Brittle kinematic history of the southern part of the Tantato Domain adjacent to the Fond du Lac Rivers


Current Applied M.Sc. Student

Samiei, Ahoora 
Structural controls on gold enrichment in the Archean Eqe Bay greenstone belt, Baffin Island.

Journal Articles

Ordóñez-Calderón, J.C., Lafrance, B., Gibson, H.L., Schwartz, T., Pehrsson, S., Rayner, N.M. In Press. Petrogenesis and geodynamic evolution of the Paleoproterozoic (~1878 Ma) Trout Lake volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposit, Flin Flon, Manitoba, Canada. Economic Geology.

Lafrance, B., Gibson, H.L., Pehrsson, S., Schetselaar, E., DeWolfe, Y. M., and Lewis, D., In Press. Structural reconstruction of the Flin Flon volcanogenic massive sulfide mining district, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Canada, In press. A Special Issue on volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of the Trans-Hudson Orogen, Economic Geology.

Schetselaar, E., Pehrsson, S., Devine, C., Lafrance, B. , White, D., Malinowski, M., In Press. 3D Geologic Modelling in the Flin Flon Mining Camp, Trans-Hudson Orogen, Canada: Evidence for Polyphase Imbrication of the Flin Flon - 777- Callinan VMS Ore System. Economic Geology.

Olaniyan, O., Smith, R.S., Lafrance, B. 2015. Regional 3D geophysical investigation of the Sudbury structure. Interpretation, Vol. 3, No. 2 (May 2015); p. SL63–SL81.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1190/INT-2014-0200.1

Lafrance, B., Bygnes, L., McDonald, A.M. 2014. Emplacement of metabreccia along the Whistle offset dike, Sudbury: implications for post-impact modification of the Sudbury impact structure. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 51, 466-484.

Mukwakwami, J., Lafrance, B., Lesher, C.M., Tinkham, D.K., Rayner, N.M., Ames, D.E. 2014. Deformation, metamorphism, and mobilization of Ni-Cu-PGE sulpide ores at Garson Mine, Sudbury. Mineralium Deposita, 49, 175-198.

Mukwakwami, J., Lesher, C.M., Lafrance, B., Tinkham, D.K. 2014. Geochemistry of deformed and hydrothermally mobilized magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE ores at the Garson Mine, Sudbury. Economic Geology, 109, 367-386.

Olaniyan, O., Smith, R.S., Lafrance, B. 2014. A constrained potential field data interpretation of the deep geometry of the Sudbury Structure. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences v. 51, p. 715-729.

Raharimafeta, T., Lafrance, B., Tinkham, D.K. 2014. New structural, metamorphic, and U-Pb geochronological constraints on the Blezardian Orogeny and Yavapai Orogeny in the Southern Province, Sudbury, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 51, p. 750-774.


Articles/reports (in non-refereed journals)


Hastie, E.C.G., Lafrance, B. and Kontak, D.J. 2015. Observations on the Kenty and Rundle deposits, Swayze greenstone belt; in Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2015, Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report 6313, p.9-1 to 9-9.

McDivitt, J.A., Lafrance, B., Kontak, D.J., and Robichaud, L., 2015. Characterization of Gold Mineralization in the Missanabie-Renabie District of the Wawa gold camp; in Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, Open File Report 6313. P.6-1 to 6-8.

Telephone: (705) 675-1151 ext 2264
E-mail: blafrance@laurentian.ca

GEOL 3006 - Field School II

Rousell, Long - Outliers (PDF) 
Young - Huronian (PDF)


Research Interests

  • Field structural geology
  • Structural controls on gold mineralization
  • Microstructural and textural analysis of deformed rocks


Available Research Projects

If you are interested in a M.Sc. or Ph.D. research project, please contact me or see our current research projects and geology graduate program information.


Current Graduate Students


Ph.D. Students

Engelbert, Margaret The volcanic and deformation history, geodynamic setting, and metallogenesis of the Upper Chisel Sequence, Snow Lake, Manitoba, Canada. Co-supervised with Dr. Harold Gibson

Généreux, Carol-Anne  
Structural and metamorphic evolution of the South Range in the Drury and Denison townships, Sudbury, with emphasis on the controls on low-sulphide PGE mineralization. Co-supervised with Dr. Doug Tinkham

Hastie, Evan Gold Metallogeny of the Southern Swayze Greenstone Belt, Abitibi Subprovince. Co-supervised with Dr. Dan Kontak

Hunter, Rebecca Geological Investigation of Unconformity-related Uranium Mineralization along the Qavvik-Tatiggaq Trend, northeast Thelon Basin, Nunavut.

Rubingh, Kate The tectonic, structural and stratigraphic setting, and origin of eastern Trans-Hudson Orogen Gold Deposits at Snow Lake, Manitoba. Co-supervised with Dr. Harold Gibson.

Toth, Zsuzsanna Banded Iron Formation-Hosted Gold Mineralization – Beardmore-Geraldton Area: structural setting, footprint(s) and exploration implications. Co-supervised with Dr. Benoît Dubé (GSC)


M.Sc. Students

Chappell, Ian  
Structural controls and chronology of gold mineralization at the Black Fox mine and Grey Fox zone, Matheson, Abitibi. Co-supervised with Dr. Dan Kontak

Hall, Marshall 
Emplacement mechanisms and spatial and temporal relationships between low-sulphide and sharp-walled vein systems in Footwall mineralization in the Sudbury Camp. Co-supervised with Dr. Harold Gibson

Kelly, Christopher 
Alteration associated with gold mineralization in the Grey Fox, Black Fox, and Hislop deposit areas, Matheson, ON. Co-supervised with Dr. Dan Kontak

Ogilvie, Thomas 
Brittle kinematic history of the southern part of the Tantato Domain adjacent to the Fond du Lac Rivers

Applied M.Sc. Student

Samiei, Ahoora Structural controls on gold enrichment in the Archean Eqe Bay greenstone belt, Baffin Island.


Representative Publications


Journal Articles

Ordóñez-Calderón, J.C., Lafrance, B., Gibson, H.L., Schwartz, T., Pehrsson, S., Rayner, N.M. In Press. Petrogenesis and geodynamic evolution of the Paleoproterozoic (~1878 Ma) Trout Lake volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposit, Flin Flon, Manitoba, Canada. Economic Geology.

Lafrance, B., Gibson, H.L., Pehrsson, S., Schetselaar, E., DeWolfe, Y. M., and Lewis, D., In Press. Structural reconstruction of the Flin Flon volcanogenic massive sulfide mining district, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Canada, In press. A Special Issue on volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of the Trans-Hudson Orogen, Economic Geology.

Schetselaar, E., Pehrsson, S., Devine, C., Lafrance, B. , White, D., Malinowski, M., In Press. 3D Geologic Modelling in the Flin Flon Mining Camp, Trans-Hudson Orogen, Canada: Evidence for Polyphase Imbrication of the Flin Flon - 777- Callinan VMS Ore System. Economic Geology.

Olaniyan, O., Smith, R.S., Lafrance, B. 2015. Regional 3D geophysical investigation of the Sudbury structure. Interpretation, Vol. 3, No. 2 (May 2015); p. SL63–SL81. http://dx.doi.org/10.1190/INT-2014-0200.1

Lafrance, B., Bygnes, L., McDonald, A.M. 2014. Emplacement of metabreccia along the Whistle offset dike, Sudbury: implications for post-impact modification of the Sudbury impact structure. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 51, 466-484.

Mukwakwami, J., Lafrance, B., Lesher, C.M., Tinkham, D.K., Rayner, N.M., Ames, D.E. 2014. Deformation, metamorphism, and mobilization of Ni-Cu-PGE sulpide ores at Garson Mine, Sudbury. Mineralium Deposita, 49, 175-198.

Mukwakwami, J., Lesher, C.M., Lafrance, B., Tinkham, D.K. 2014. Geochemistry of deformed and hydrothermally mobilized magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE ores at the Garson Mine, Sudbury. Economic Geology, 109, 367-386.

Olaniyan, O., Smith, R.S., Lafrance, B. 2014. A constrained potential field data interpretation of the deep geometry of the Sudbury Structure. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences v. 51, p. 715-729.

Raharimafeta, T., Lafrance, B., Tinkham, D.K. 2014. New structural, metamorphic, and U-Pb geochronological constraints on the Blezardian Orogeny and Yavapai Orogeny in the Southern Province, Sudbury, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 51, p. 750-774.


Articles/reports (in non-refereed journals)

Hastie, E.C.G., Lafrance, B. and Kontak, D.J. 2015. Observations on the Kenty and Rundle deposits, Swayze greenstone belt; in Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2015, Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report 6313, p.9-1 to 9-9.

McDivitt, J.A., Lafrance, B., Kontak, D.J., and Robichaud, L., 2015. Characterization of Gold Mineralization in the Missanabie-Renabie District of the Wawa gold camp; in Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, Open File Report 6313. P.6-1 to 6-8.



Upcoming Events

  • Spring Open House

    Saturday, March 15th
    Time: 09:30am - 03:00pm
    Location: 935 Ramsey Lake Rd, Sudbury, ON P3E 6H6, Canada

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