Phil C. Thurston
Professor of Precambrian Geology (Adjunct, in residence)Telephone: 705-675-1151 ext 2372; Email: PThurston@laurentian.ca
I am a Canadian who spent some time in the USA obtaining a BA and an MA in geology, followed by mapping with the OGS. At the OGS, I led a number of helicopter-supported reconnaissance projects in Ontario's northwest and the Chapleau area. I took a break from mapping and obtained a PhD at Western, returning to design and edit the Geology of Ontario monograph and map sets. I took early retirement from the OGS and have been researching and teaching at Laurentian since 2001. I have taught the Precambrian course as well as a capstone course in Tectonics. My research has concentrated on greenstone stratigraphy with work throughout the Superior Province. My most recent work has been on iron formation geochemistry and gold mineralization.
AB (Rutgers), M.Sc. (Bryn Mawr), PhD (Western Ontario)
Taught until 2017: GEOL 4016 - Precambrian Geology and GEOL 4506 - Tectonics & Petrogenesis
Phil's research tackles the following questions: stratigraphic patterns of Archean greenstone belts and their relationship to trace element geochemistry of the volcanic units; trace element geochemistry of iron formation and cherts in the greenstone belt environment; the place of mineralization with respect to the tectonic architecture of Archean crust; why are particular deposit types associated with the margins vs. the centres of tectonic blocks; the place of gold deposits with respect to greenstone belt architecture; the use of trace element mapping of sulfides in Archean gold deposits to decipher the element associations; the number of mineralizing events associated with gold deposits.
To pursue these interests, he uses the tools of physical volcanology, sedimentology and trace element geochemistry to provide insight into tectonic and stratigraphic models for greenstone belts. Phil's research was supported by NSERC and by the “Discover Abitibi Greenstone Architecture” grant to a Laurentian team. He is presently involved in the Metal Earth project as part of the 4 person central scientific team. He currently supervises a M.Sc. project on the relationship between the Pontiac and Abitibi terranes. He is supervising a PDF who is conducting a Lu-Hf study of the entire Superior craton.
Phil's interests, in no particular order, are:
- The evolution of greenstone belts.
- The place of quartzite bearing platforms in greenstone evolution in the Superior Province and elsewhere.
- The use of geochemistry, rock types and primary structures in constraining the geodynamic setting of greenstone belt assemblages
- The inter-relationship between potential field geophysics and the geology of greenstone belts.
Areas Of Expertise
Precambrian Geology, Geochemistry, Volcanology, Banded Iron Formation
Available Research Projects
If you are interested in a MSc or PhD research project, please contact me or see our current research projects and geology graduate program information.
Research Themes
Current Graduate Students
Edward Moswane, Applied M.Sc.: Investigation of mantle plumes and evidence of contamination based on Zimbabwe Great Dyke and the Bushveld Igneous Complex (Northen Limb) large igneous provinces in southern Africa using trace elements geochemistry. To further discuss the relationship between the BIC and ZGD magmas and outline the implications based on the results.
Adrian Rehm, Thesis M.Sc.: Detailed geological mapping of the contact zone between metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks in the Pontiac Subprovince, Lac Bellecombe area
Current Post-Doctoral Fellow
David Mole: Sm-Nd adn Lu-Hf studies of Archean granite-greenstone terranes. PhD involving both techniques on the Yilgarn craton. PDF involves doing a Lu-Hf study of the Superior craton to discern the differences in isotopic geochemisty between endowed and less-endowed terranes of the Superior craton.
Past PhD Students
Blandine Gourcerol, B.Sc, M.Sc. Institut Polytechnique Lasalle Beauvais: Blandines thesis was titled "Banded-Iron Formation primary geochemistry signatures, and exploration implications for BIF-hosted Au deposits"; she worked on the geochemistry of iron formation associated with gold deposits at the Meadowbank deposit of Agnico-Eagle Mines Ltd. north of Baker Lake in Nunavut. She has also done work at the Musselwhite Mine of Goldcorp Inc. north of Pickle Lake in Ontario. [Thurston / Kontak]
Michel Houlé, B.Sc, M.Sc Université Laval, Physical Volcanology and Metallogenesis of Komatiites in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Ontario-Québec, Ph.D. thesis [based at University of Ottawa, co-supervised with Tony Fowler and Mike Lesher] Ph.D. thesis (based at University of Ottawa) [Thurston / Tony Fowler]
Past MSc Students
Geoff Baldwin, B.Sc. (Acadia) 2009. The Sedimentology and Geochemistry of Banded Iron Formations of the Deloro Assemblage, Bartlett Dome Area, Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Ontario, Canada: Implications for the BIF Deposition and Greenstone Belt Formation. [Thurston / Kamber]
Diana Kuiper, B.Sc. Hons. (Ottawa), Mafic dykes in the Blake River Group [Gibson / Thurston]
Representative Publications
Chapters in Books
Thurston, P.C. and Ayres, L.D., (2004) Archean and Proterozoic greenstone belts: evolution and volcanic cyclicity, p.311-333. In: Eriksson, P., Altermann, W., Nelson, D., Mueller, W., Catuneanu, O., and Strand, K., Tempos and Events in Precambrian Time, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Mueller, W. and Thurston, P.C., (2004) Precambrian Volcanism an Independent Variable through time – Introduction. p. 271-272 In: Eriksson, P., Altermann, W., Nelson, D., Mueller, W., Catuneanu, O., and Strand , K., Tempos and Events in Precambrian Time, Elsevier, Amsterdam
Journal Articles
Gourcerol, B., Thurston, P.C., and Kontak, D., 2016. Depositional Setting of Algoma-type Banded Iron Formation, Precambrian Research, in press.
Gourcerol, B., Thurston, P.C., Kontak, D., and Duparc, Q., 2016. Do magnetite layers in Algoma-type BIF preserve their primary geochemical signature: A case study of samples from three Archean BIF-hosted gold deposits? Canadian Mineralogist, accepted.
Thurston, P.C., 2015. Greenstone belts and granite-greenstone terranes: constraints on the nature of the Archean world, Geoscience Canada, accepted May 2015.
Gourcerol, B., Thurston, P.C., Kontak, D.J., Côté-Mantha, O., and Biczok, J. 2015. The geochemistry of chert from the Banded Iron Formation-type Musselwhite and Meadowbank gold deposits: Distinguishing primary and mineralization-related signatures of chert; Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research 2015-1, 24 p. doi:10.4095/295531
Gourcerol, B., Thurston, P.C. Kontak, D., and Cote-Mantha, O., 2014. Interpretations and Implications of Preliminary LA-ICP-MS analysis of chert fro the origin of geochemical signatures in banded iron-formations from the Meadowbank gold deposit, western Churchill Province, Nunavut. Geol. Survey Canada Current Research 2013-20 22p.
B. Gourcerol, P.C. Thurston, D.J. Kontak, and O. Côté-Mantha 2014. Interpretations and implications of preliminary LA ICP-MS analysis of chert for the origin of geochemical signatures in banded iron formations (BIFs) from the Meadowbank gold deposit, Western Churchill Province, Nunavut. Chemical geology Feb 2015
B. Gourcerol, P.C. Thurston, D.J. Kontak, and O. Côté-Mantha 2013: Interpretations and implications of preliminary LA ICP-MS analysis of chert for the origin of geochemical signatures in banded iron formations (BIFs) from the Meadowbank gold deposit, Western Churchill Province, Nunavut GSC Current Research 2014-1
Thurston, P.C., Kamber, B.S., Whitehouse, M. 2012. Archean cherts in Banded Iron Formation: insight into Neoarchean ocean chemistry and depositional processes. Precambrian Research vol. 214-215: 227-257. (NSERC)
Thurston, P.C., Baldwin, G.J., Kamber, B.S. 2011, Discrimination of multiple origins for BIF using Ni/Cr ratios and REE+Y systematics: implications for greenstone belt stratigraphy e.g., Abitibi greenstone belt, Canada, Precambrian Research submitted. (NSERC)
Bédard, J.H., Harris, L.B., Thurston, P.C., 2011, The Hunting of the snArc, Precambrian Research vol. 229: 20-48. (NSERC)
Kopylova MG*, Afanasiev VP, Miller C, Bruce L, Thurston P, Ryder J, 2011, Diamondiferous conglomerate preserves evidence for kimberlite and garnet granulite of the Neoarchean Southern Superior craton .Earth & Planetary Science letters vol. 312: 213-225.(NSERC)
Baldwin, G. J., P. C. Thurston, BS Kamber, 2011, High-precision REE, Ni, and Cr chemistry of chert microbands pre-screened with in-situ analysis Chemical Geology 285: 133-143. (NSERC)
P.C. Thurston, V. McNicoll, D. Kuiper and J. Goutier, Submitted. Mafic Dikes as Indicators of the Evolution of the Blake River Group. Economic Geology submitted.
D. Kuiper, P.C. Thurston, J. Goutier, and H.L. Gibson: submitted. Geology, geochemistry and geochronology of the Dufault, Séguin, and Horseshoe gabbroic-dioritic intrusions, Blake River Group (2704-2695 Ma), Abitibi Subprovince, Québec
Thurston, P., Ayer, J., Goutier, J., and Hamilton, M. A., 2008, Depositional Gaps in Abitibi Greenstone Belt Stratigraphy: a key to exploration for syngenetic mineralization: Economic Geology, v. 103, p. 1097-1134. (DA + NSERC)
Finamore, S.M., Gibson, H.L., and Thurston, P.C., 2008, Archean Synvolcanic Intrusions and Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide at the Genex Mine, Kamiskotia Area, Timmins Ontario: Ec. Geology, v. 103, p.1203-1218 (DA)
Technical Papers
Ayer, J.A., Thurston, P.C. and Lafrance, B. 2008: Introduction to the Special Issue: an overview of the Discover Abitibi Initiative and related papers. Economic Geology v. 103, 1091-1096.
Thurston, P.C. 2008: Field Guide to the Stratigraphy and Structure of the Timmins Gold Mining Camp, Abitibi subprovince, p 75-82 in: Benn, K. (editor) Late Archean Crust: Magmatism and Tectonics of the Abitibi Subprovince, Canadian Shield; Geol Soc. Am. Field Forum.
Houlé, M. G., Ayer, J. A., Baldwin, G., Berger, B., Dinel, E., Fowler, A. D., Moulton, B., Saumur, B.-M., and Thurston, P., 2008, Stratigraphy and Volcanology of Supracrustal Assemblages hosting Base Metal and Gold Mineralization in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Field Trip B4: Quebec, Geological Association of Canada, Mineralogical Association of Canada, p. 84.
Ayer, J A; and 41 authors, 2007:The Abitibi greenstone belt; update of the Precambrian Geoscience Section Program, the Targeted Geoscience Initiative III Abitibi and Deep Search Projects, Summary of field work and other activities 2007 Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report 6213, pp.3.1-3.44.
Thurston, P.C. 2008: Field Guide to the Stratigraphy and Structure of the Timmins Gold Mining Camp, Abitibi subprovince,p 75-82 in: Benn, K. (editor) Late Archean Crust: Magmatism and Tectonics of the Abitibi Subprvince, Canadian Shield; Geol Soc. Am. Field Forum.
Houlé, M. G., Ayer, J. A., Baldwin, G., Berger, B., Dinel, E., Fowler, A. D., Moulton, B., Saumur, B.-M., and Thurston, P., 2008, Stratigraphy and Volcanology of Supracrustal Assemblages hosting Base Metal and Gold Mineralization in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Field Trip B4: Quebec, Geological Association of Canada, Mineralogical Association of Canada, p. 84.
B. Gourcerol1, P.C. Thurston1, D.J. Kontak1, O. Côté-Mantha2 and J. Biczok3 2015: Depositional Setting of Algoma-type Banded Iron Formation from the Meadowbank, Meliadine and Musselwhite gold deposits. PDAC Poster abstract, March 2, 2015
B. Gourcerol1, P.C. Thurston1, D.J. Kontak1, O. Côté-Mantha 2014: The Geochemistry of banded iron formations (BIF) at the Meadowbank gold deposit, Churchill Province: Implications for the origin of gold mineralization in BIF deposits. GAC/MAC Abstract vol. 37: 107.
B. Gourcerol1, P.C. Thurston1, D.J. Kontak1, O. Côté-Mantha, 2014 : The Geochemical Signature of Chert from Banded Iron Formation (BIFs) in the Meadowbank Gold deposit, Nunavut: Implications for the Sources of Fluids in Gold Mineralized BIF Deposits. Poster Presentation, Prospectors and Developers Assoc. of Canada, March 3, 2014
Rodzinyak, K.,Rowe, C., Bekker, A., Thurston , P. Wing, B., 2011. Sulfur isotopes as a proxy for early Earth atmosphere: Constraints for habitability on other planets. 62nd Annual Astronautical Congress, 2011. IAC 2011.
Gourcerol, B., Thurston, P.C., and Kontak, D., 2014. The geochemistry of banded iron formation at the Meadowbank geold deposit, Churchill province: Implications for the origin of gold mineralization in BIFs. GAC Abstracts, Vol 37, p. 107.
Ross, K.,Kendall, J.D. Macdonald, A.J., Kontak, D. and Thurston, P.C. 2014. Gold sniffing: the design of a protable device for in situ measurement of particulate gold and its application in exploration. GAC Abstracts, Vol 37, p. 236.
Thurston, PC, and Kamber BS 2013, Testing the Relationship between LIPs, BIF, and VMS deposits,GAC abstract.
Thurston, PC, Archean sedimentary rocks: record of a different world, GAC abstract.
Kopylova MG*, Afanasiev VP, Miller C, Bruce L, Thurston P, Ryder J, 2011, Kimberlite-Derived Harzburgitic Diamonds from the Mesoarchean Superior Craton International Kimberlite Conference Abstract submitted.
Baldwin, G., Thurston, PC, Kamber, B.S., 2010. The geochemistry of Algoma-type iron formatins: an example from the Abitibi Greenstone belt, in: Miller, J. (Ed.), Geology, Mineralogy and Genesis of Precambrian Iron formations. Precambrian Reseaarch Center Professional Workshop Series, Duluth MN, pp. 12-11 to 12-18.
Thurston, PC Goutier,J Ayer, JA Baldwin, GJ 2010,A new stratigraphic model for greenstone belts based on the Abitibi: stratigraphic and economic importance of Depositional Gaps, PDAC Abitibi Symposium
Ayer,JA Goutier,J., Thurston, PC, Dube B., & Kamber, B., 2010, Abitibi tectonic and metallogenic evolution: an improved understanding based on focused Discover Abitibi and TGI-3 research” PDAC Abitibi Symposium.
Thurston, PC, Baldwin, GJ, Kamber, BS, Stone, D, 2010, The Economic and Stratigraphic Importance of Depositional gaps in Archean Greenstone belt Stratigraphy, Fifth International Archean Symposium Abstracts, GSWA Record 2010/18, p. 271-273.
Ayer, JA, Goutier, J., Thurston PC, Dube, B., and Kamber, BS, 2010, Abitibi-Wawa Subprovince Tectonic and Metallogenic evolution, Yilgarn-Superior Workshop – Abstracts GSWA Record 2010-20 p. 7-11.
Thurston, PC, Kamber, BS, Ayer JA, Baldwin GJ, 2010, What happens when there is no volcanism: BIFs and how greenstones have developed n the Superior and elsewhere. Yilgarn-Superior Workshop – Abstracts GSWA Record 2010-20 p. 32-36.
Thurston, PC, 2010, The Superior Province: not a simple lateral tectonic model. London cratons meeting
Thurston, PC, Baldwin, GJ Kamber, BS, 2010, Algoma type Iron Formation: an Overview of the Occurrence and Origin, Workshop on the Geology, Mineralogy and Genesis of Precambrian Iron Formations, Precambrian Research Center, U of Minnesota, Duluth.
Baldwin, GJ, Thurston, PC., Kamber, BS, 2010, The Geochemistry of Algoma-type iron formations: an example from the Abitbi Greenstone Belt Workshop on the Geology, Mineralogy and Genesis of Precambrian Iron Formations, Precambrian Research Center, U of Minnesota, Duluth
Thurston, PC, 2009. Secular Variation in Archean Greenstones and the Puzzling lack of Internal Unconformities, In: Archean Granite-Greenstone systems and their younger Analogues, p. 161-164. Karelian Br. Russian Acad. of Sci., Petrozavodsk.
Thurston, PC, 2009. Event Markers: Proterozoic vs. Archean – a contrast GAC Abstract
Thurston, PC, Goutier, J., McNicoll, V. and Legault, M. 2008: Mafic dykes cutting the Blake River Group, Abitibi Subprovince, GAC Abstract.
Thurston, PC, Goutier, J., Ayer, J. and Hamilton, M.A. 2008: Depositional gaps in Abitibi greenstone belt stratigraphy: A key to exploration for syngenetic mineralization..GAC Abstract
Baldwin, G.J., Thurston, PC, Kamber, B.S., and Houlé, M.G., 2008: The Deloro-Tisdale SIZ of the Abitibi greenstone belt: an example from McArthur Township, Ontario, in: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, Proceedings Volume 54, p. 5.
Goutier, J., McNicoll, V., Dion, C., Legault, M., Ross, P-S., Mercier-Langevin, P., Monecke, T., Thurston, PC et Ayer, J. A., 2008: Une nouvelle stratigraphie du Groupe de Blake River : deux grands épisodes volcaniques et quatre épisodes de minéralisations en sulfures massifs volcanogènes. GAC Abstract
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